Types of puzzles.

There are an infinite number of puzzles that could be in escape rooms because the only thing that limits them is the imagination of their creators or designers. However, several common types of puzzles are most common in escape rooms.

Text puzzles

Text puzzles contain either numbers, math problems, puns, letters or words. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to think differently about these puzzles. These types of puzzles are often designed to plague players’ brain threads and need to be solved in unusual ways.

Physical puzzles

Physical puzzles occur very often and require escapers to manipulate objects in the room. Moving furniture, assembling jigsaw puzzles, placing and arranging objects, and overcoming obstacles are all common physical puzzles. These puzzles tend to be pretty conspicuous, so focus on the things that look unusual in the room.

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Text puzzles

Physical puzzles

Sensory puzzles

Sensory puzzles

Puzzles that use the senses are permanent escape rooms, but usually, players will overlook puzzles of this type for the first time because they may perceive lights, sounds, and smells as normal parts of the game environment. However, nothing is accidental in the escape room. Watch for lights that flicker and go out, soft sounds that repeat, or strong smells, as they can guide you to the right solution.

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Escape puzzles

These puzzles will probably come to mind first in connection with escape rooms. These puzzles include hidden objects that escapeers must find, such as keys, jigsaw puzzles, and paper tickets. Leaks are often an important part of non-linear puzzles, so if you can’t figure out why the next door doesn’t open, even if you think you have the right combination for a code lock, start again.

Misleading puzzles or “red herring”

The so-called red herring is the simplest but also the most brutal type of puzzle in escape rooms, as its purpose is to lead players on a false trail, thus losing valuable time. These are often conspicuous puzzles or items that seem to be important for the next step.

Source: stassandstrikes.com


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